Redliner - information stealer analysis

Redline malware is an Information Stealer written in c#, targeting windows victims. It is used for gathering victims information ranging from the Browser cookies, saved credentials, Discord tokens, OS information,Languages, VPN profiles, Installed Programs and Network configurations.

The malware is capable of downloading additional malware from its C2 servers.

The first stage of sample malware is used for assembling and executing an additional payload. The sample used throughout this post is RedlineStealer malware which can be downloaded from MalwareBaazar.

The sha256 hash of the sample is 72b7f772e019def30abcf817ae7a3004a84215daef67588eaa1fde3839df2fa2. First step is loading sample in Detect it Easy tool to check whether is packed or not.

From the initial Analysis, the sample is not packed and is a .NET Family malware. Vast amount of .NET family programming languages functionality has given malware authors power to write simple yet powerful tools therefore leading to an increase in malware distributed.

For Analysis of compiled binaries, IDA and ghidra are main first tools of choice to an analyst. For analysis of .NET binaries is different, use dnSpy which helps debug the functionality of the sample.

For extraction of our payload, we will do both manual and dynamic extraction of the second stage binary. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages as highlighted below.

This method is we extract payload from the encrypted string arrays s as shown in the image below. Malware uses anti-analysis techniques to prevent it from being analyzed.

From image above, we de-obfuscate malware by replacing the strings with the target strings as shown in the program. After replacing all the strings,we write a small python program to convert the base64 encoded string to PE binary.

The python script to decode the base64 encoded string to binary.


import base64

#s string array is our binary
string_encoded = " "
decoded = base64.b64decode(string_encoded)
open('stage2.exe', 'wb').write(decoded)

Our dumped files are valid binaries, but do not contain all features because the malware is using Reflection method to load additional assembly code. Reflection is a method used to load other assemblies at runtime of the program. This enables the malware to add extra features and validation of the program.

The second method Dynamic is more powerful compared to the manual method.This enables us to inspect the program behavior at runtime. For extraction of the second stage payload we put a breakpoint on the line 22 as shown in image below.

On dnspy debugger put a breakpoint on line 22, Run the program until the execution hits the breakpoint.

By examining the values in image above,we can examine the array we passing to the object method. Looking at the bytes data of the above array, the first two bytes are magic number of PE file 4D5A or ascii MZ. From the first two bytes we can make an assumption the buffer is our second stage binary. Right click the buffer memory to save the sample.

This is the second stage analysis of our extracted malware file, The extracted binary is .NET binary. Opening the binary in debugger, entrypoint of the binary looks as shown in the image below. The main function executes the WriteLine function.

FMalware does environment check before communication to configured C2 servers.

The malware checks the language, Timezone, CultureInfo and region country of the Victims Machine. The cultureInfo class provides information about a specific culture, known as locale. The information includes the formatting of the dates, writing system, numbers and calendar used.

The malware check if victims region country is within the array of the strings shown above and if the does not contain EnglishName.

The second part of our analysis is determining IP address in which the malware is communicating to.The Ip address of the malware seems to be encrypted as shown in the image below. StringDecrypt function takes two arguments, the IP address and Key and decrypts the address

The arguments variables of the malware are shown in the image below. The arguments includes the IP address and Key used for encryption of the data.

With the encrypted IP and key we can decrypt the address used for providing the connection.

The StringDecrypt is a multistage decryption method which employs both base64 encoding and bitwise xor logic for decryption of the data.

From the logic above, reimplement the logic in python and recover the encrypted data.

The python code used for decrypting the code is,


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import pwn
ip_addr =b"AiE1CyQDBVA/JR4OPwIKGSoZGkU6NyVa"
key =b"Outshines"

ip_addr_decode = base64.b64decode(ip_addr)
result_encoded =pwn.xor(ip_addr_decode, key)
result = base64.b64decode(result_encoded)

Running above code we get C2 server address


 $ python3

The malware employs strings concilation methods to slow down analysis. It adds some junk strings to the target strings which is replaced during the runtime of the malware with an empty string.

Example of string concilation tactic is above function. The junk string added to the string array is MANGO which is replaced with an empty string. The string from the char array is coMANGOokies.sqMANGOlite , replacing the MANGO string with an empty string, we get cookies.sqlite which is a file used for storing cookies by Firefox browser.

The Malware harvest a lot of Victims data and sends back to the configured c2 server. The malware is simple but effective in collecting a lot of user information. The information collected by malware includes cookies, user tokens, system configurations, graphic cards, processor count, Network information, application installed, credit wallet information and many more.

Below is explanation of the capabilities of the malware.

The malware is capable of stealing the user`s credentials and cookies of from browser session.

The malware is also capable of enumerating chrome and Opera Mini if installed on the Victim`s machine. It also gets the version of the installed browser as shown in the image below.

Filezilla is a professional software that makes transfer of files from one computer to another easier via FTP, SFTP, FTPs protocols and other cloud services such as Amazon S3.

The malware scans for the saved credentials used by Victim in transferring files to other machines. The malware collects host, Port, User, Pass of the machines

Malware is also capable of collecting all installed applications on the machine using ListofPrograms function as shown in the below. After enumerating all the installed applications, the malware sends data back to the C2 server.

The malware enumerates installed application through use of registry. Querying of registry is an effective way of finding out all installed applications in Windows. The malware gets the program name and version as shown by text and text2 strings.

The malware scans for Victim`s configuration files and profiles of various VPNs installed on the device. The malware scans File configs NordVPN, OpenVpn configs and ProtonVPN profiles.

For the exfiltration of the data, the malware creates a folder in APPdata folder called Yandex\YAddon. The data collected is uploaded in chunks to c2 server.
